martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

Climate Change

Climate Change is one of the most important problems our society has to deal with. Everybody has heard about it several times, but not enough people konw exactly what it is, or at least, they don’t know what to do to deal with it. The information people have about it is not enough clear, and what it is worst, it is contradictory.

While ecologists alarm about the Climate Change’s consecuences, some politicians don’t care at all about it, and some others suggest few personal solutions to fight with it (recicling at home and using public transport are the most popular). So, what are people supposed to do?

In my opinion, international policies should be executed by all the governments in the world, since Climate Change is an issue that affects every part of the planet, not just one city or one country. These policies should be more efficient that those we already have. I mean, it is not just to take the bus instead to have your own car, not only to throw the glass in a different container than the paper, when factories still continue polluting with dangerous fumes or when governments don’t invest in the development of renewable energy.

I believe, that what society really needs is a common campaign to stop the disastrous consequences of the Climate Change. A international campaign to develop new kinds of renewable energies, new alternatives to slow the use of oil down and new policies to control the pollution by factories. If governments are willing to cooperate between them, people will be prepared to do their better. People will feel more confident if they see their governments trying to safe the world as the same time as them. At least, they will feel supported by their governments, they will see they are not alone on this fight.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Maria !

    Very easy to read. Both content and structure are ok.

    About language I would point out the following:

    You repeat 'deal' twice at the beggining.

    A correction here :
    "it is not just to take the bus instead to have your own car " i would write :
    "instead of having your own car"

    Nice work ! Have a great summer :)

