martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

The Big Brother

The 9/11 attacks brought into the public sphere the debate of the surveillance security system to protect our society from other attacks they could occur (or not) in Western countries. Since that moment, governments around the Western Countries started to put cameras in our streets with the aim to protect our security. By doing so, they also started to violate the human rights of privacy and freedom.

Since Al Quaeda terroristic attaks, The United States Government, started to stablish a “terror state” feeling that make people agree with their decission to mantain society under “security” surveillance. What do they fear? A hypothetical incoming attack foretold by they leaders? In my opinion, they live under the pressure of fear, which is worst than an atack. And after all, is it true that these kind of security methods (surveillance cameras, surveillance trough the Internet, cell phones surveillance...) make us be safer? In my opinion, the answer is a categorical no.

The country security cannot never be based on its population surveillance, neither on the reduction of their liberties. On the contrary, it should be based on the protection of human rights and freedom.

When we are under surveillance, we are treated as we were potential criminals, but are we? This kind of treatment makes people feel uncomfortable (at least a great number of citizens), angry with the “enemy” who is observing us, producing some reactions that don’t have to do with the “security” purpose: bandalism attacks against the surveillance monitors, demonstrations in favour of our freedom (sometimes peaceful, sometimes not), confrontations between citizens and governments, etc.

Finally I would like to remark the ridiculous and obvious contradiction within the USA security system. The US Government allow people to buy weapons to protect themselves. But why they need weapons when they are already supposed to be safe with the surveillance system government have implanted on their territory? Maybe the surveillance system is not a security one but a control system.

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